Saturday, December 15, 2007

Blog Social...

In an attempt to be more bloggy, I ventured on and did a six degrees sort of thing on to other peoples blog buddies, I started @ Ali D then went to Britanny Mellen and than ended up here at a cute little blog called Jacys place. If you get a chance read this story. I really needed a little chuckle and this was the perfect dose of laughter. I can totally relate to this. Especially the part where she talks and reffers to herself as "tard" , totally me!

Enjoy ladies and take a trip onto some of your friends, friends (does that make sense?) any who they are there for a reason so be entertained!



  1. I hadn't thought of it as a blog social...I've been doing that the last couple of months here and there (to just mix it up a little), a little more the last few weeks -it actually seems more festive when I think about it...thanks for posting the phrase "Blog Social" Liz. Joyce

  2. Your new banner is sooooooooooo gorgeous! I'm still loving mine, by the way...

  3. I love doing the whole blog friend bouncing thing! You never know what great blogs you can find by doing that! I'm off to check out the one you posted! :)

  4. Me too...I've done it a few times and it's really fun! You'd be amazed at how many inspiring things you can's just hard to pull away and create, once I've started!

  5. cool idea to call it a blog social. I often do this, myself. I made your pepermint bark tonight, too! I plan to give it to my employees on Thursday at our luncheon. Thanks for posting something easy and quick.

  6. Hello my beautiful wife!

    As I was searching for my perfect wakeboard boat (yes again), I stumbled upon your blog and found myself falling even more in love with you!
    I just wanted to tell you that you amaze me each and every day. From the angelic look on your face when I wake up and see you sleeping next to me to the way you smile when I walk through the door after work (even if it is another late night!)
    I just wanted to find another way to tell you how much I love you and how proud I am to be married to such a wonderful woman!
    Thanks again for taking a chance . . . : )

  7. Thanks for the link...I am off to go & take a peek.

  8. I love bouncing from friend to friend on people's blogs. I fear, though, I spend way too much time doing that!!
