and new pics. Here are the pics of Jackson's first day of school. We were running late due to an early morning party held by Sawyer ( he jumped into our bed @1:30 am). So although we were all tired, we were running on adrenaline and out the door by 7:20. the parking was a nightmare so we parked in the neighborhood and walked in. It was the perfect fall day. I could smell the sweetness of the trees and although it is still summer, there was a crispness in the air that reminded me of autumn. There couldn't have been a better day to have the first day of school!
This is the first of many great days to come!
happy fall! (almost!)
The breakfast of champions ( My one time betty crocker tribute)
The Kids (on someone elses lawn since we forgot to do the doorstep pic)
Don't they just look SOOO big compared to their siblings when they have their backpack on and they are going to school? Great pictures!